Sunday, October 19, 2014

Art for the Sky

Most of our shortened week was spent on activities for Art for the Sky.  It was a pretty amazing experience.  Friday's unveiling of the photo did not disappoint!  Even better than that, Daniel Dancer created a video of the entire process.  Here are some scenes from the week...

We began the week with an assembly with Daniel Dancer.  The students learned
how were were going to create a picture using collaboration and our "sky sight."

Ready to board the bus on Wednesday.  It was a beautiful afternoon!
For some of our kindergartners it was their first time riding the bus.

Lucy, Lia and Alice

Madison, Joe and Henry

Rose and Josh

Summit, Clara and Sadie

Samantha and Charlie

Ayler, Lucas and Lucas

The hawk's head was made of different colored bark mulch.

Once we were in the right spot, we had to wait for everyone to
get in their spot.  We were very patient....

...and very patient.

Watching the ladder get higher and higher.

We had to stand on a very narrow line on the covered bridge.

Ready for the picture!

Standing still for so long was tough work!

Waiting for the buses was lots of fun!

Duck, Duck, Goose
It took lots of running before they were tired.

Lucy, Sadie, Summit, Madison, Josh and Lia

Our kindergartners are reading to see the picture at Friday's assembly.

It's always fun to see friends from other classes.

Everyone cheered when they saw the picture!Kindergartners are the white
trim on the covered bridge.  Our class is lined up on the line just under the 250 all the way to the point near the hawk's wing.

Daniel shared with us a birthday song that he wrote for his daughter.  Lucky was
his birthday on Friday!!  Everyone sang to Charlie, Mr. Tilly and Ms. Harlow at the assembly.

Charlie was one happy guy!

 The rest of our time last week was spent finishing up some projects for you to see at parent conferences this week. Our kindergartners are excited for you to see how much we have learned in only 34 days of school!  I look forward to meeting with all of you.  Reminders of conference times will be sent home tomorrow.  Please bring any questions you may have!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Pumpkins, Books and WIN Groups

We are getting into the Fall spirit in kindergarten.  We painted pumpkins at the beginning of the week and turned them into jack o' lanterns on Thursday.  In the next week or two, we will have some fun with pumpkin math.  Are there any volunteers who would be willing to donate a pumpkin to our class?  We would love to use a pumpkin to practice graphing and estimating.  Thanks!

It was a perfect Fall afternoon Friday to pose with our pumpkins.

Our best pumpkin head impression...


Clara helps Ms. Blanchard get a bulletin board ready for the hall.

Josh works carefully cutting out his pumpkin.

Lia's pumpkin is as happy as she is!

 The afternoons have been beautiful for playing on the playground! New friendships continue to form all the time.  We are so thankful to have such a great outdoor space.
Josh and Lucas R. climb the rock wall.

Joseph loves to tube slide.

Clara, Lucy and Alice hang out on the monkey bars.

Students have taken on more responsibility during learning centers.  This past week, we wrote three work centers on the board that kindergartners were responsible for completing before they went to a center of their choice.  Once they completed the work at the center, they wrote their name under the center on the board.  They really did a great job! 

Monday's work centers were painting in art, DreamBox
 in math and book buddies in the literacy center.

Joseph paints in the art center.

Charlie works on the computer after he finished his work centers.

Kindergartners can now go the library without a teacher
 (unless your teacher is following you around with a camera)
on any day of the week.  Lucas R. checks out a book.

Lucy and Alice join Lucas in the library.  The book keys they are holding help them
remember where to put their books back when they are finished browsing.

Madison paints people at the easel.

Our class participates in a weekly math lesson with Deb Jones, our district's numeracy specialist.  On Wednesday, Mrs. Jones brought her dominos.  Can you believe we are already practicing addition?  Kindergartners found dominos to match the addition sentences. They also came up with their own addition sentences.  Our class has been looking at different ways to "see" numbers.

Students look for dominos to help them make a number sentence.

Everyone got a turn to share a number sentence.

We continue to practice reading and writing books with sight words.  This week we learned two new sight words, the and can.  
Lucas L., Josh and Henry practice pointing to the words as they read.

Ayler and Summit read a Halloween book.

Samantha enjoys her book too!

Has your kindergartner mentioned working in WIN groups?  WIN stands for What I Need.  Four days a week all three kindergarten classes mix together for students to work in WIN groups.  The first 10 times we meet, we will focus on nursery rhymes.  Once every group rotates through the ten nursery rhymes, groups will start working with the same teacher every time they meet.  Groups were formed by looking at our latest assessment data.  Groups will be working on different skills based on what students in each group need.  Groups will range from letter identification and letter sounds to sight words and reading. We are so lucky in kindergarten to have help from all areas of the building.  We have teachers from the reading room and the special education department that take groups so that our group sizes are no larger than six students in a group.  Every now and then, Mr. Carozza will even teach a WIN group. WIN groups have been a big hit!

Mrs. Cowan works with her WIN group for the day.  Students are
 from our class, Ms Blanchard's class and Mrs. Grady's class.

My WIN group for the day learns Jack Be Nimble.

Josh shows off his illustration of Jack Be Nimble.  At the end of the WIN group
 nursery rhyme rotation, all students will have their own book of nursery rhymes to bring home.

Don't forget Art in the Sky is Thursday.  All of the tee shirts that we need are already in our classroom.  Please have your kindergartner wear neutral color pants, no bright colors.  Thanks!  We kick off our Art in the Sky week with an assembly first thing tomorrow morning.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Welcome October

This week we turned into writers!! I LOVE the writing process in kindergarten.  Our writing at this point of the year is made up of the high frequency words that we are learning and inventive spelling.  In kindergarten, we write words the way that they sound...which is perfectly okay! We practice stretching out the words to hear as many sounds as we can in each word.  At the beginning of the year, teachers rotate around the classroom and help students to stretch out the words that they need to sound out.  Soon, their confidence as writers will grow and they will begin to stretch and sound words out on their own.  This week we wrote every morning and you can already see a difference!  We discussed the difference between words and letters, why we need to use spaces between words and using an ending mark like a period. This week each kindergartner began writing their own "I Like" book.  Check out these examples of kindergarten writing in October...

I like cookies.

I like teddy bears.

I like pizza.

It's hard believe we are starting our sixth week of school!  As part of the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching, the first six weeks of school are spent laying the groundwork for a year that is productive and full of learning.  The thought is that by slowing down and taking the time to build a strong foundation in the first six weeks of school, the class will be able to move through the school year with increased motivation, cooperation, responsibility and self-control.  It certainly feels like the sixth week of school in our classroom.  There is already a strong sense of community where students and teachers respect each other.  Many new friendships have formed and everyone has a clear understanding of the classroom expectations.

Henry and Samantha work together and sort animals during center time.

Sadie and Joseph play a game on the iPad together.
Lucas L. gets ready to paint.

Alice shows off her painting at the easel during learning centers.

Josh found stars inside some apples at his house.  He was kind enough to bring
them to school and we stamped with them in the writing center.

We had three salamanders visit our classroom.  We learned some
interesting salamander facts before letting them go near the vernal pool.

The rain didn't stop us from enjoying the 3B's celebration on Wednesday!  We had a great time marching in the 3B's parade with the rest of the school.  It was an event to celebrate the signing of the 3B's contracts...Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible!

It was good practice making a pattern on our bee headbands. 

Kindergartners are hard at work making their headbands.

 Each Friday Mrs. Kleiner, our school counselor, visits our classroom for a Second Step guidance lesson.  This week we discussed things that make us feel angry. Mrs. Kleiner and our kindergartners shared ideas on what to do if you feel angry.

Students pass the angry frog around the circle as they share things that make them feel angry.

One of the highlights of the week was visiting the computer lab.  Once a week, usually Fridays, we will work on a project in the lab. Today we were introduced to Kid Pix.  Students learned how to log in, open the applications folder and find Kid Pix.  Everyone used the program to draw an apple and type their name in a text box.  We learned how to use the shift key when typing our name and how to print our picture.  Next week we will write sentences on these pages and turn them into a book.  It was very tricky using the mouse!!  Most students were used to working on an iPad or a laptop without a mouse.  Next week, we will continue to practice using the mouse, the proper way to hold it and where to click when using it.

Kindergartners work in the lab for the first time.

Charlie uses the mouse to make his apple.

After Joe made his apple, he used his free time to create a Jack O Lantern.

Summit used his free time to draw a person pulling a wagon.

Lia explores with stamps and a paint brush on Kid Pix.

 After sitting or working for longer amounts of time, we like to move in kindergarten!  We can always tie our movement into learning.  One of our favorite movement breaks is letter aerobics.  Kindergartners put their hands on their hips for letters that sit on the line (letters like a, m, w, z), put their hands in the air for tall letters (letter like b, d, k, t) and touch the ground for letters with a tail (letters like, g, j, p, q).  Here we are this morning taking a movement break after writing in our "I Like" books and learning how to make the number six.  The video is a little grainy but it is still pretty cute!