I hope everyone had a wonderful break and enjoyed the holidays. Our class had so much fun leading up to vacation. A huge thank you to all of the parents who sent in treats and donated supplies. It really is a magical time in kindergarten.
We hope you enjoyed our gifts. Look at how different
each reindeer is. |
We stayed busy in the days leading up to vacation. |
We made reindeer food.... |
...and practiced making patterns. |
The Polar Express was lots of fun...and tasty too. |
Our classroom bakery was very busy. The phone would
not stop ringing. |
We practiced taking orders and sent then back to the kitchen! |
Bakers were hard at work getting treats ready for costumers. |
With that being said, it will also be wonderful to get back into our normal classroom routine. We didn't waste any time getting back to work this morning. During the second trimester, our writing focus will shift from narrative writing to informational writing. Some examples of what informational writing in kindergarten can be: labeled pictures, writing directions and recipes or writing facts about a favorite animal. In science, we are about to begin a unit on winter animals. Our lessons will integrate a lot of informational writing .
Kindergartners are learning how to label their drawings. |
In math we are making sure our numbers to 20 are solid before we begin our trickiest chapter, numbers to 100. In our phonics programs, we are learning how to blend sounds together and how to tap out words. Stay tuned for information about our first field trip! It's so hard to believe we are approaching our half way point of the school year?! Happy New Year!