March is such an exciting time in kindergarten! Students are so much more independent than in the first half of the school year. It is exciting to watch them take off as readers and writers. All WIN groups continue to meet at least twice a week, with some groups meeting four times a week. We've been working so hard at school, it was the perfect time for a field trip. HMS kindergartners did a wonderful job representing our school while at the planetarium.
About to board the bus! For some students, this was their first time riding on the school bus. |
We've been learning about space and the solar system as part of our science unit. At the planetarium, there was lots to see that brought our classroom learning to life.
Our class really enjoyed the show at the planetarium, Magic Tree House Space Mission
and all of the activities at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. |
The warm weather has been wonderful for drying out our playground! It can still be chilly at some recesses so please make sure your child is prepared on colder days.