Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wrapping Up Kindergarten by Guest Bloggers Anthony, Amelia and Helena

We've enjoyed our time together in kindergarten! Over this past school year our classroom has become a close community!! As the year comes to a close, we've spent time reflecting on our year. Here are a few of the activities we've done in the past few weeks as told by Guest Bloggers Anthony, Amelia and Helena.

We have been writing and making pretty things to
finish our journals.  We are going to take them home today.
We wrote about a time we were kind. Some examples 
of our writing were,"I helped my friends work
 out a problem." "I gave a very special flower to a friend when he was sad."
We also wrote about a time when we tried something new.
We wrote letters to next year's kindergartners too. 

We were drawing ourselves and coloring in our
friends for a special page at the end of our journal.

We spent time making patterns and sorting with manipulatives.
We used fruit, car, bear, animal and inch worm manipulatives.

We got to meet the Veterans at our Memorial Day assembly.  We thanked
 them when we were leaving the assembly.

We recited a poem called I Promise for the rest of the school and
the Veterans.  Everyone really liked it.

A high school student got to visit our classroom for the morning.
He was learning about becoming a teacher.
He loved us.  We loved him too.  He was lots of fun!

We had WIN group performances to wrap up our WIN groups this year.
Each group came up with an idea, play or a poem to share with the group.
We liked watching our friends from all of the kindergartens!

This group read Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
We hoped you liked reading our blog post. By Anthony and Amelia and Helena

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Science Centers...Exploring Bubbles by Guest Bloggers Lilly Mae and Kameron

We've finished all of our assessments and are wrapping up our science lessons too. Our class loved reading Scholastic News this year.  One of this month's topics was about bubbles.  We also learned about experiments that scientists conduct. We decided to conduct some of our own experiments. Guest Bloggers Lilly Mae and Kameron describe our science centers.

Anthony was blowing bubbles in soaping water.
We made predictions about what would happen
when you blow bubbles in soapy water.

When we blew the bubbles our faces got a ton of
bubbles on them at the bubble center.

At this center, we blew bubbles but in a different way.
We had fun. You had to blow slowly so the bubbles wouldn't pop.

We used shaving cream at one center. It was all over the
table. We made designs, letters, numbers and drawings
with our fingers in the shaving cream.

Owen really liked the shaving cream table. He got it everywhere!

We wrote messages in the shaving cream too.

At this center, we poured and measured water
with bubbles in it.

Kameron used a pot to scoop bubbles. Owen used a cup
and Tyler used a shovel to scoop up the bubbles.

This day was fun and we made a big mess...but it was a clean mess because there were soapy bubbles everywhere!