Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Our class really enjoyed learning about Thanksgiving.  Before vacation we were busy writing about what we are thankful for, learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and playing Thanksgiving math games.  We also read many fiction and nonfiction books about Thanksgiving and discussed the difference between fiction and nonfiction writing. We've been so busy I have been forgetting to take pictures!

We continue to add to our Poems and Charts folder.
The Turkey was our favorite November poem.

Everyone loved showing off the turkeys they created at home.  This was part of a
school-wide project sent home from the spirit committee.  Thanks for your help with
this project!
As we approach the end of November, our kindergartners are taking on more responsibilities in the classroom.  The leader of the day has always had a few responsibilities like leading the line but now each day our leader brings the lunch envelope down to the kitchen.  The leader has also taken over the daily calendar routine.  The routine consists of the leader asking the class to count the days on the calendar with them, figure out the pattern of the calendar pieces, spelling and saying the month and the year.  The leader builds a weather sentence and asks the class to read it with them.  Lastly, the leader helps keep track of how many days we have been in school.

Did you hear we are learning about addition?  Mrs. Jones visited with math racks last week.  Students have practiced using the math racks on DreamBox and enjoyed using them in class too.

Mrs. Jones helped us practice subitizing numbers
and creating number combinations to five.

Waiting for instructions while using the math racks.

Four beads on the top wire.  How many do you
need on the bottom wire to make five?

We've been working with some new games at
learning centers to help develop our fine motor
muscles. One of our favorite games is called
Hammer and Nails.  Students nail shapes to a corkboard
to copy design cards or make their own designs.

Another game we've enjoyed using is Magnastiks.
Kindergartners practice creating sculptures
using magnetic pieces.

Holiday Bakery

The holidays are an exciting time in kindergarten. Now is the time that we turn our dramatic play/housekeeping area into a BAKERY! Kindergartners will be “baking” cakes and cookies, taking phone orders for pies and making their own menu in our holiday bakery…BUT…we need your help! We need parents to volunteer to make us some special play-dough for all of our baking. Batches of play-dough with cinnamon or nutmeg and batches with glitter have been favorites in the past. We could also use any old baking items you aren’t using such as muffin tins, spoons or aluminum pie plates.