Friday, February 17, 2017

February Fun

A huge thank you to all of our parents who sent in donations for our Valentine's Day party!  The room was filled with excitement as students shared Valentines and snacks with each other. It truly was a special day and we appreciate your support! Check out our class reading a poem from Valentine's Day called I Like Hearts.
We delivered our own Valentines...
...and practiced reading our friends' names.
Fun times checking out our Valentines!

Our Fancy Friendship Party was a great time.

Our 100th day of school was filled with math activities. We practiced counting by 1s, 5s and 10s. We thought about 100 things we would like, 100 things we would not like and even read stories about 100th day.

100 days in kindergarten....

...time flies when you are having fun!

Have you heard our dramatic play area has turned into a flower shop?  We've been having a great time receiving and filling orders for flower bouquets. It's such a fun way to practice writing numbers, letters and working together.

Brylee and Lucy take an order in our flower shop.

Our class has been visiting the computer lab every week.  We've worked on creating labels and diagrams for our informational writing unit, practiced typing our names and using the SHIFT key as well as coding!  When we return to school, we will continue to learn about coding.

Kindergartners create diagrams in the computer lab.

Sometimes we work together and other times we work alone on a project.

Ready to add labels.

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