Ready to explore at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center |
The Space Shuttle's wheel is almost the same height as a kindergartner. |
Before watching The Little Star That Could, we learned about Alan Shepard's visit to space. |
Inside of the dome theater, we watched The Little Star That Could. We learned about the sun and the solar system. |
Exploring with the infrared camera. |
We made paper airplanes and launched them through targets to test our designs. |
Our kindergartners enjoyed exploring with different materials to create objects that would take flight when put to the challenge. |
Noah and Hayden work on getting their creations to fly. |
Our favorite exhibit was where we could work together and experiment with different designs. |
There were lots of laughs and encouragement for each other's designs. |
Kindergartners also created rockets and tested their design using the rocket launcher. |
Our class enjoyed the green screen, predicting the weather and seeing themselves on TV. It did eventually turn into a dance party... but there is a lot to dance about in kindergarten!! |
Connor practices being a meteorologist and predicts a big storm is coming. |
We had fun trying to land the Space was so much harder than it looked! |
Patiently waiting for our turns at an exhibit. |
Checking out the controls of a plane... |
...and imagining what it would be like to fly! |
Good friends working together. |
KD checking out the XF8U-2 Crusader Jet. |
Thanks to all of our parents for sending in snacks and the paperwork for our field trip. So thankful for such a special trip with an amazing group of kindergartners!