Sunday, June 4, 2017

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Field Trip

Our field trip to the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center was a perfect break from finishing up end of the year assessments and a fun way to wrap up our latest studies in science. All 70 + HMS kindergartners took the trip together and did a wonderful job representing our school while at the planetarium. Here are some of the highlights from our trip (pictures were chosen and some were taken by KD students).

Ready to explore at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

The Space Shuttle's wheel is almost the same height as a kindergartner.

Before watching The Little Star That Could, we learned about Alan Shepard's
visit to space.
Inside of the dome theater, we watched The Little
Star That Could
. We learned about the sun and the
solar system.
Exploring with the infrared camera.

We made paper airplanes and launched them
 through targets to test our designs.
Our kindergartners enjoyed exploring with different
materials to create objects  that would take flight when
put to the challenge.
Noah and Hayden work on getting their creations
to fly.
Our favorite exhibit was where we could work together
and experiment with different designs.
There were lots of laughs and encouragement for
each other's designs.

Kindergartners also created rockets and tested
their design using the rocket launcher.

Our class enjoyed the green screen, predicting the weather and
seeing themselves on TV. It did eventually turn into a dance party...
but there is a lot to dance about in kindergarten!!

Connor practices being a meteorologist and predicts a big storm is coming.

We had fun trying to land the Space was so much harder
than it looked!

Patiently waiting for our turns at an exhibit.

Checking out the controls of a plane...
...and imagining what it would be like to fly!

Good friends working together.

KD checking out the XF8U-2 Crusader Jet. 

Thanks to all of our parents for sending in snacks and the paperwork for our field trip.  So thankful for such a special trip with an amazing group of kindergartners! 

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