Thursday, November 12, 2015

Busy Kindergarten Days

It was wonderful meeting with everyone during conferences. We have been unbelievably busy is kindergarten...time flies when you are having fun! Here's a peek into our last few weeks....

We've been working with Mrs. Alibrandi who is filling
in for our tech integrator, Mrs. Locke.  She has helped us
to create our own I See Book using the app Book Creator.
Each kindergartner created their own page by taking a picture
and typing their own sentence.

We have loved playing new math games during math centers.
Here we needed to count the number of dots on dominos and
put them on the corresponding number cards.

Anthony and Tyler work together at a math station.

An important part of our writing time is closing our lessons
with the author share chair.  Kindergartners have loved sharing
their writing with their peers.

Sharing their work is an important park of the writing process.
Everyone who would like to share gets a turn!

Thanks to Chief Mumford of the Hopkinton Fire Department
for teaching us all about fire safety.The rest of his crew
was called to an emergency so we had him all to ourselves.

Our class was able to explore the different parts of the fire truck.

We know how to keep ourselves safe if there is ever a fire!

Our librarians came to our class to introduce this
year's NH Lady Bug Book nominees. As always, they
performed a book from the list in costumes.  Here they are reading
Flight School by Lita Judge.   Check out a full list of the books up
 for the award here. Lady Bug books Once our class has read all
of the books, we will vote for our favorites in December.

All of our hard work with the Artist in Residence paid off when
we got to to see the beautiful mural we made together unveiled.
All HMS students were very proud of the mosaics that they helped to create.

We all enjoyed incorporating a lot of math into carving
our class pumpkin. Here students place their vote for what
type of face our class pumpkin should have by writing their name
in the graph.

We estimated our pumpkin's weight and circumference
before carving it.  It was lots of fun!

Our class has taken advantage of the beautiful weather.
Here we are collecting acorns for an upcoming Sink
 or Float

This bunch loves to explore and we are so lucky
to have the space to do just that!

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