Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Our class has really enjoyed learning about Thanksgiving.  We've been busy writing about what we are thankful for, learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and playing Thanksgiving math games.  We have also read many fiction and nonfiction books about Thanksgiving and discussed the difference between fiction and nonfiction writing. Today our class took the stage at the student showcase to lead our school in the Pledge of Allegiance and a poem we learned, The Turkey is a Funny Bird.  They did a fantastic job! We are close to getting the go ahead to make videos in the classroom again (thanks for returning the new video permission forms)...we can't wait to show you all that we are working on in our classroom.

Enjoy the time off! Happy Thanksgiving!

Lots and lots of feathers were a popular choice
for decorating our turkeys!

We worked together to make our turkeys.

The excitement was building all week.

Ready to paint!

We worked hard on our cards for our families...

Kindergartners can't wait to share their cards with you!

This bunch did a wonderful job at the student showcase today!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sara! Looks like fun. Love the hats! Happy Thanksgiving!
