Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome to the School Year!

It has been a pleasure to be back at school with such a wonderful group of kindergartners!  It is going to be another great year of learning and growing.  We are taking the time to learn about one another and how to take care of our classroom. The focus of the first days of school (and this upcoming week too) was building the foundation for a cooperative and caring classroom community. Students explored tools and learning centers that we will be using all school year long.

Rowan builds a rocket ship using pattern blocks.
Taylor explores the rice in the sand table.

Eden enjoys a feast in the dramatic play learning center.
Kingston uses the fancy scissors at the writing center.

Wyatt uses playdough at the fine motor center.
Autumn explores with playdough too.  Thanks to
Lily's family for donating playdough to our class!

Jack reads a story after snack time.
Noah and Hayden play with dinosaurs in the block center.

Connor and Camden share marbles using the marble maze.
Brylee uses the iPads for the first time.

Hayden, Lucy and Lily use the iPads.
Thanks to everyone who sent in headphones.
Izzy sorts animals during center time.

We've also really enjoyed our time on the playground.  Together we are learning about playground expectations and meeting new friends from all of the kindergarten classes.

Chana, Lily and Autumn swing together.
Corbin tries the monkey bars.

Making new friends inside....and outside.

As the year goes on, we will add more text to the blog and have students update the blog with their own words. I will also update the blog with links to websites or other tools we are using in the classroom. On a really hot afternoon this week, students were introduced to TumbleBooks.  The TumbleBook Library  is an online collection of animated, talking picture books that students love.  Harold Martin pays for a subscription to this website but you can use it at home too.  The link is also listed on the right side of the blog.  The username is: haroldmartin. The password is: hms.

This week we will continue to focus on building a strong foundation for our classroom community. Mrs. Jones, our district's numeracy specialist will visit our class for our first math lesson on Monday. We will also get to visit with our school librarians on Tuesday when our class is introduced to the school's library.  On Wednesday, don't forget Open House is from 6:00-7:00. Friday our class will get a visit from our school guidance counselor, Mrs. Kleiner to begin our weekly guidance lessons.  Phew...sounds like our first five day week will be a busy one!

Last, but not least, I would like to thank everyone for their patience as we develop our classroom routine.  It takes time teaching four, five and six year olds all of the different parts of our day.  Soon they all will be very independent and know exactly the type of milk they drink and how they are getting home.  Until then, all of the notes and emails about where your child is headed after school are VERY helpful. 

Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us. I'm looking forward to a great year!


  1. Thank you so much for working with the students to create a safe and positive environment for all students. That is SO important! Lucy said to us, "Kindergarten is better than awesome!" Thanks for all you do. We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

  2. This is wonderful.Thank you! Wyatt had a great first week. We truly appreciate all your hard work and dedication.

  3. Sara thank you so much for having this blog! It really is priceless to get a peek into their daily activities! Taylor is having a blast and had enjoyed making new friends.
